divendres, d’octubre 19, 2007


Acudits d'economistes.

M'ha fet gràcia aquest:

You might be an economist if... you've spent your whole career at a university or other public sector job talking about how great the private sector is.

3 comentaris:

Blogger Julio ha dit...

Jo no he sigut tan benvolent. He fet "copiar-pegar".

M'ha agradat, una mica més a amunt, quan posa Please don't send me "assume a can-opener" or other jokes.

1:30 p. m.  
Blogger Jordi Coll ha dit...

Voto per "You might be an economist if any of the following phrases has ever come to mind in a romantic situation: "joint utility maximization", "not tonight, honey, I have an externality", "diminishing marginal product of labor".

12:15 a. m.  
Blogger Guillem Casas ha dit...

Jejejeje!! Molt bons! Ara ens has de dir si t'hi sents identificat! Jejeje!

10:23 a. m.  

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