dimarts, d’agost 21, 2007


Lectures interessants d'aquest matí:

Bryan Caplan sobre la quantitat de recursos que destinem (especialment als Estats Units) a la lluita antiterrorista. Segons ell és evident que no guarda cap proporció aquesta quantitat amb l'amenaça efectiva que suposa el terrorisme (ie gastem massa).

Niall Ferguson sobre els mites del Pla Marshall.


'If there had been no Marshall Plan, would American industry have enjoyed less access to European markets? Again, no: European recovery did not especially benefit American manufacturers, for whom domestic markets were vastly more important. In 1953, Britain still accounted for only 5.2 per cent of U.S. exports and Germany for just 2.3 per cent. As a whole, exports represented a modest share of U.S. G.D.P.—about three per cent even at the end of the nineteen-fifties, compared with roughly seven per cent today.'

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