divendres, de gener 30, 2009


"In the latest example – studied by the economists Esther Duflo, Pascaline Dupas and Michael Kremer – 121 Kenyan schools were given a grant to hire an extra teacher and so split one large reception class into two smaller classes. In 61 randomly chosen schools the students were streamed by ability; in the other 60, they were randomly assigned to their classes. The result: better grades for everybody in the streamed classes, whether they were originally judged to be high, medium or low ability."

2 comentaris:

Anonymous Anònim ha dit...

Em recorda a la "teoria de la jubilació" d'en Xavier Sala-i-Martín.

3:43 p. m.  
Blogger Jordi Coll ha dit...

Aquí l'important és saber si aquests nens fan educació per la ciutadania, si sortiran sent gent respectuosa amb tots els punts de vista i cultures, no les notes.

6:25 p. m.  

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