What Edwards calls a 'post'
De cara a les presidencials de l'any que ve ja es comença a porquejar l'etern tema de la cobertura sanitària (Health Insurance). Kevin Drum explicava la proposta del precandidat John Edwards (Demòcrata) a The Washington Monthly.
Tyler Cowen se'n feia ressò ahir al seu blog i un comentarista ha penjat això, que m'ha fet molta gràcia:
(...)Private insurance would be available through a mechanism Edwards calls "Health Markets.
Did anyone else crack up at reading this? Let me guess:
"Patients and insurers will reward health care providers with what Edwards calls 'Money.' Americans will monitor their health through what Edwards calls 'Doctor Visits.' They will secure access to this money through a mechanism Edwards calls 'Having a Job.' Decision to provide or purchase various medical service will be determined by what Edwards calls 'Supply and Demand.' People will arrive at health care providers in what Edwards calls 'Vehicles.' "
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Ja ho deia Protàgores: "El senyor Edwards és la mesura de totes les coses".
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